Trollope and The Way We Live Now

The Trollope Society

The site provides excellent information on the life of Trollope and his works

The New Yorker

This article on The Way We Live Now gives and interesting view on the novel and the life of Trollope

Project Gutenberg

Provides an electronic copy of the full text, including publication information


Victorian Economics

Economics In Victorian Society

A Prezi presentation on Victorian economics, including interesting information on railroads

The Victorian Web

The Victorian Web site on economics of the era


Gender and Sexuality in the Victorian Era

Victoria and Albert Museum

 An excellent resource concerning the role of women in the Victorian age, with additional links to other sources


Anti-Semitism in Victorian England

Georgetown University Blogs

Analyzes the role of anti-semitism in Victorian literature

The Victorian Web

The Victorian Web site on Judaism


Blood Libel

Anti-Defamation League

The ADL's cite including the definition of blood libel and a brief history of its cause and effects

Foreskin Man

A modern example of blood libel; a comic book distributed to protest circumcision. The main villain is a blood thirsty rabbi




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